
Showing posts from December, 2019

Plans for the New Year

Oh those holidays got me again. Sorry for the delay in posting, now that things aren't so hectic around here I'll be back to normal on the blog. I've got some big plans for the coming year and I can't wait to get to work on them. So as you all know by now my overspending tends to fall into two categories: craft supplies and makeup. I've decided that I'm going to really throw myself into trying to use up my makeup this year. In order to do this I'm planning to start wearing makeup most days, if not every day. I'm going to pick an eye shadow palette to use every week and each Monday I'll post some pictures of looks I've done the prior week and some updates on how I'm doing with using up my hoard. I'm planning to do something similar with my craft projects. I plan to finish a project every other week, if not more often, this year. Each Friday I'll update with what projects I've finished as well as how I'm doing with using up ...

The Financial Diet Review

Hello out there! Sorry to have missed the past couple weeks, things got busy around Thanksgiving and then the kiddos got sick so it's been a bit crazy.  I'm here with the review I promised on The Financial Diet: A Total Beginner's Guide to Getting Good With Money by Chelsea Fagan. I've watched some of the YouTube videos on The Financial Diet's channel and I have to say I feel like I might've gotten more from them than I got from this book. When it says it's for beginners it really is for beginners. It goes over how to start a budget, saving for retirement, buying a house or renting an apartment, there's a little bit about investing, even some budget minded recipes. If you're just starting to think about budgeting, finances, and saving for retirement this book is perfect for you but if you've been out there doing it on your own for a while you probably already know most of what's in here. Either way I don't know if I'd recommend b...