
Showing posts from February, 2020

Why Are Fabric Companies Trying Me Right Now?

Hi all! Here we are on financial update Wednesday. I know I missed declutter Friday and Makeup Monday but I've been recouperating from a minor procedure I had on Friday and didn't feel up to blogging. Nothing serious, and I'm fine, just needed some rest. Of course one of the things that I tend to do when I'm not feeling well is to spend way too much time looking at things on my phone I have no business looking at which led me to notice that a bunch of fabric companies have really cool fabric out right now that I'd love to buy but can't. While it's been tempting I managed to not get anything so I'm pretty proud of myself. Some of the preorders are going to be open for a while yet so I have to keep not buying them until the end of the month. I'm dodging fabrics with images ranging from The Witcher to Rainbow Brite here so it's not going to be easy. Helping me along the way is the fact that Awesome Con just announced that the cast from Back to the...